Monday, November 8, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba!

My first outside referral!!!  My dear friend Carmen (a shout out to my girl!) gave my name to a close friend who's boy was turning two.  What a fun cake to create!  This was a chocolate cake filled to the brim with vanilla buttercream frosting and fondant over all.  Oh, and a grey ribbon around the bottom to finish it off.  Happy Birthday Hunter!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Whimsy Wedding

I surprised the bride with this one.  I had total control over what I did and she LOVED it!  The bottom two tiers are Styrofoam that I sawed and buffed at an angle and covered with a layer of frosting and fondant.  Definitely one of my favorite cakes.

Pink Birthday

My sister-in-law's birthday cake.  Simple and fun with roses cut from the yard.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command

My kid is crazy for Buzz Lightyear so what's a mom to do but give him what he loves.


My son decided on Pokemon for his 9th birthday.  I took one of his Pokemon cards and drew it on with a toothpick then piped it in white on a chocolate cake.

Cowboys and Indians

A Cowboys and Indians themed birthday cake for a 1st birthday!

Christmas Wedding

These are cheesecakes covered and decorated with a swirl design and black ribbon.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Shapes and Sizes

This was made for a church activity.  Each layer was a different flavor and since it wasn't for anyone in particular I decided this would be a great time to play.  

Boyby Shower Cupcakes

My sister was expecting a boy and so my mother-in-law and I got together and made these fun butterfly cupcakes. This was done by laying wax paper over a butterfly wing template and outlining and filling in the wing with melted chocolate. It's a bit tricky getting the chocolate to the right temperature so you can work with it. We definitely learned a trick or two for next time!

Thomas the Train

My nephew is crazy about Thomas so, of course, when my sister-in-law asked me to make him a cake I jumped at the chance. It's all fondant and a few lines of icing here and there. This was a fun and challenging cake.

Littlest Pet Shop

My daughter is the type of little lady who starts planning her birthday for the following year the day after her birthday! She will talk all year about the design of her cake, usually about 6 different ones. Sometimes it gets down to crunch time and she still can't decide because she wants them all! This particular birthday we narrowed it down to a ladybug that's reminiscent of The Littlest Pet Shop character's big head, little body proportions. Those are thin mints and upside down Hershey kisses on the back and chocolate cupcakes for the feet.

Baby Shower

This baby shower cake was made to match the baby's room! Adorable idea. This is a fondant cake with gum paste flowers on the ribbon.

Fleur Power

I really enjoyed making this birthday cake for my niece. I used orange slices for the center of the petals and M & M's for the border of the face. It's hard to see them but there is a stem down there made up of gummy lifesavers.