Monday, November 8, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba!

My first outside referral!!!  My dear friend Carmen (a shout out to my girl!) gave my name to a close friend who's boy was turning two.  What a fun cake to create!  This was a chocolate cake filled to the brim with vanilla buttercream frosting and fondant over all.  Oh, and a grey ribbon around the bottom to finish it off.  Happy Birthday Hunter!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Whimsy Wedding

I surprised the bride with this one.  I had total control over what I did and she LOVED it!  The bottom two tiers are Styrofoam that I sawed and buffed at an angle and covered with a layer of frosting and fondant.  Definitely one of my favorite cakes.

Pink Birthday

My sister-in-law's birthday cake.  Simple and fun with roses cut from the yard.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command

My kid is crazy for Buzz Lightyear so what's a mom to do but give him what he loves.


My son decided on Pokemon for his 9th birthday.  I took one of his Pokemon cards and drew it on with a toothpick then piped it in white on a chocolate cake.

Cowboys and Indians

A Cowboys and Indians themed birthday cake for a 1st birthday!

Christmas Wedding

These are cheesecakes covered and decorated with a swirl design and black ribbon.